Upperville, Va. – Mar. 15, 2021 – The prize list for the 2021 Upperville Colt & Horse Show (UCHS) is available online now! This year’s 168th anniversary event will run Monday, June 7, through Sunday, June 13, at the Grafton and Salem showgrounds. Entries will open April 14, 2021 at noon, and will be accepted online only on a first come, first served basis through HorseShowsOnline. Entries will be accepted until May 8, 2021, so be sure to register early!

The Upperville Colt & Horse Show is a FEI-ranked CSI4* event that attracts hundreds of world-class equestrians who compete in disciplines ranging from show jumping, hunters and equitation to local ponies, in-hand breeding, sidesaddle and racing Jack Russell Terriers. In addition to its CSI4* designation, the competition also boasts a Premier/AA and Jumper Rating Six classification with US Equestrian (USEF), the Virginia Horse Shows Association (VHSA) and the Maryland Horse Shows Association (MHSA) and is a World Championship Hunter Rider (WCHR) recognized show.
The management team at the Upperville Colt & Horse Show is continuously monitoring changes in USEF, CDC and Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 regulations. As of March 2021, the UCHS is still subject to public health protocols that help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. Daily temperature checks will be conducted at all entrances, and masks will be required by all exhibitors. Before entering the showgrounds, a USEF waiver must be signed by every adult, and every minor must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. To maintain traffic flow, the UCHS asks each participant to sign their waiver digitally in advance using HorseShowsOnline.
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 168th UCHS!