Gordonsville, VA – Oct. 4, 2019 – BioStar US is the leading source of whole food nutritional supplements for dogs and horses that provides owners with raw, dehydrated, wheat-free, organic and non-GMO options for their animals. By using the highest quality ingredients from around the world, BioStar US offers support to a wide range of health topics with organic, sustainably sourced supplements.
But how does BioStar US formulate its supplements to be effective, sustainable and comprised only of organic, whole food ingredients? Formulator and founder of BioStar US, Tigger Montague, begins by identifying a health challenge for horses. “Trainers or riders will say ‘I have this problem and it’s not getting better – can you come up with something?’ and then I go down the research rabbit hole,” said Montague. Through rigorous analysis and research, Montague begins to develop a combination of ingredients that treats the root of the concern at hand instead of treating just the symptoms.

Once the formula is created, Montague sources the ingredients from around the world. “Finding the raw materials can take a lot of time but we have established some really good relationships with some very reliable suppliers who are in line with BioStar’s philosophy,” said Montague. “I appreciate the smaller suppliers that have principals in how the raw material is grown or collected and that it is holistic and sustainable.”
When the raw materials arrive at the BioStar US production facility in Gordonsville, Virginia, they are accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis (COA) which must line up with BioStar’s requirements. Then they undergo meticulous taste, smell and color testing by a professional evaluator before the production process begins. Every supplement is then developed in-house in the BioStar US production facility and undergoes a beta testing, including Montague testing every product on her own horses. “I don’t want to send something out that I wouldn’t give my own horses,” said Montague. “I know my horses so well that I want to see what their reaction is and I can adjust the formula accordingly.”

Once the product has been successfully assessed, it is sent to two different laboratories that evaluate agricultural products for protein, moisture, fiber, minerals and contaminants before receiving Guaranteed Analysis designation for labeling and production for the consumer can begin. In the BioStar US production facility, everything is mixed by hand. “Even while the ingredients are mixed in a professional grade mixer, a team member is still adding the ingredients by hand, observing it and making sure everything is blended properly,” said Montague. “Team members fill every single bucket or bag by hand while also doing quality control. We are huge on that – every step of the process has quality control.”

Montague continues to monitor the effectiveness of every product BioStar US offers. As more research and evidence becomes available, formulas are modified to improve efficacy and fulfill nutritional deficiencies that have become more apparent over time. In September of 2019, BioStar US released Optimum EQ 2.0 and Optimum EQ 2.0 Senior Formula after research recognized mineral deficiencies in horses due to poor quality hay, grain and limited access to forage. This new generation of whole-food multivitamin and mineral supplementation supports whole-horse health and performance and will continue to formulate supplements the BioStar way.