Brooke USA’s Paint Wellington Orange Returns February 20 – March 20

What is Paint Wellington Orange?

In helping the plight of working equines,

we all share our true color … ORANGE!

It is your passion that leads us, and changes our world. Be part of our orange movement.

Paint Wellington Orange is a promotional, awareness and fundraising movement to further engage the community with Brooke USA. Our goal is to paint all of Wellington orange so that everyone shares our vision of a world in which working equines are free from suffering.

Bring the People, Build the Fun, and Fund our Mission.

Paint Wellington Orange Kick-Off Event
CycleBar Wellington – Brooke USA Equestrian Ride

Join the Young Leaders Initiative and CycleBar Wellington on February 3, 2020 from 7:15 – 8:45 p.m. for a Latin-music fueled ride to raise funds for working equines worldwide. The ride will be followed by a 30-minute cocktail reception sponsored by SoBol.


Lunch & Learn
February 20 – 11:30 a.m.
Palm Beach International Equestrian Center


The Celebrity Cruises®/Hotels at Sea® Polo Team invites you!

March 5 – Kicking off at 6 p.m.

Join Brooke USA’s Sunset Polo® & White Party Team Sponsor, International Polo Tour®, Hotels at Sea® & Celebrity Cruises® Polo Team on March 5, 2020 in Delray Beach for the pre-party event of the season!

Celebrate the 2020 season kick-off and Brooke USA’s Sunset Polo® & White Party with Celebrity mermaids and friends, both new and old alike for a night of fun that includes: live music, open bar/premium complimentary drinks, cooking stations, heavy appetizers (cocktail style standing dinner) with the Celebrity Cruises® Polo Team, other polo teams, players, friends, supporters and future Celebrity cruisers for the upcoming Brooke USA Sunset Polo® & White Party.

The night will include the unveiling of the Everything Equestrian best playing polo blanket and all-new branded polo balls. Wine sponsored by Oasis® Winery & Celebration® Vineyards. Vodka sponsored by Belle Vodka and poured through “X” Hotels at Sea® luges. Celebrity DJ late night.


Valet Parking / Rain or Shine / No Charge


A Night of Art & Wine Benefiting Brooke USA
March 12 – CJR Fine Arts & Frame – 6 – 9 PM

Brooke USA while enjoying the 4,000 square foot space with artwork beyond compare.

Brooke USA Dot and talented local artist, Candace Platz will have several of her paintings on view for the evening. CJR will donate 20% of all sales from the evening, as well as on custom frames through the month of March. Candace’s paintings of donkeys benefit Brooke USA entirely, with 100% of proceeds donated in honor of working horses, donkeys and mules.


Brooke USA’s Sunset Polo® & White Party

Brooke USA’s Sunset Polo® & White Party returns as the most sought-after event ticket of the 2020 Wellington equestrian winter season. A sold-out event for four consecutive years, the not-to-be-missed celebration returns to the Wanderers Club, offering an idyllic setting with white cabanas overlooking the tournament-sized polo field and festive lit pool, and a VIP soiree unlike any other.




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