Traverse City, Mich. – July 8, 2020 – As excitement heats up for the three upcoming fall shows in Traverse City, show organizers are pleased to announce that schedules are available and stall reservations and entries are now open for the Traverse City Fall Horse Show, presented by Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel, as well as the American Gold Cup, presented by CaptiveOne Advisors and featuring the Silver Oak Jumper Tournament. The first week of competition, a CSI3* event, will be held August 26-30, followed by two more weeks September 2-13. Celebrating its 50th anniversary and debut year in Traverse City, the American Gold Cup has been enhanced to include two back-to-back weeks of FEI competition, boasting a CSI2* rating followed by a CSI4* distinction.
Highlights of all three weeks will include featured classes and events such as:
- AA rated Hunters, Level 6 Jumpers and Equitation
- $7,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby
- $36,600 MMG Welcome Stake CSI3*
- $36,600 Speed Classic CSI3*
- $137,000 Grand Prix of Williamsburg CSI3*
- Silver Oak Jumper Tournament (SOJT)
- AA rated Hunters, Level 6 Jumpers and Equitation
- $25,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
- $36,600 SOJT Welcome Stake CSI2*, presented by GGT Footing
- $75,000 SOJT Grand Prix CSI2*, presented by Agero
- AA rated Hunters, Level 6 Jumpers and Equitation
- $25,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
- $36,600 Staller Welcome Stake CSI4*
- $72,900 American Gold Cup Qualifier CSI4*
- $36,600 American Gold Cup Speed CSI4*
- $213,300 American Gold Cup Grand Prix CSI4* presented by CaptiveOne Advisors
- $30,000 CaptiveOne Rider Bonus Finale (points based off 11 weeks of competition)

Individuals interested in VIP tables can now reserve their spot in the elegant VIP space that offers premier viewing of both the Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel International Ring and the Polk Family Hunter Ring. VIP Club members can expect a private table of six seats as well as breakfast, lunch and drinks every day of the show, Wednesday to Sunday.