Traveller and Cartel Lead Goshen Hill Green 3’6” Hunter and Green 3’9” Hunter Divisions at National Horse Show   ​   

Traveller and Cartel Lead Goshen Hill Green 3’6” Hunter and Green 3’9” Hunter Divisions at 2021 National Horse Show

Lexington, Ky. – Nov. 2, 2021 – The 138th annual National Horse Show (NHS) resumed competition Tuesday, November 2 at its home in the Alltech Arena of the Kentucky Horse Park. As one of the most esteemed horse shows in the country, hunter and jumper athletes from around the country flocked to the venue for its second week of sport. Kicking off hunter competition in style, Laena Romond rode Catherine Cowie’s Traveller to the leading position in the Goshen Hill Green 3’6” Hunter division, and Jeffrey Ayers piloted his own Cartel to the top of the leaderboard in the Green 3’9” Hunter division heading into Wednesday’s crowning of each division’s respective champions.


Chablis and Oh Brother Start Strong in Hunt, LTD. Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 and The Rencourt Foundation Amateur-Owner 3’3” Hunter 18-35 Divisions

Hunter riders were eager to kick off week two of competition at the 2021 National Horse Show (NHS) Tuesday, November 2 in the famed Alltech Arena. The countries top Amateur-Owner 18-35 riders took center stage Tuesday afternoon to vie for top honors during day one of the competitive Hunt, LTD. Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 division. In the end, Kelly Tropin and Chablis rode to lead the pack. In The Rencourt Foundation Amateur-Owner 3’3” Hunter 18-35 division, Vanessa Mazzoli and Oh Brother claimed the leading spot after winning the first over fences round and claiming fifth under saddle.



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