Update on Kevin’s Recovery and The Babington Foundation

Wellington, FL. – October 4, 2021 – Kevin continues to make progress month-by-month. The commitment to his daily physical therapy and frequent stem cell and other medical interventions continues at a torrid pace. At no point has Kevin’s self-expectations been anything less than dramatic. As I’ve frequently said, the courage, patience, tenacity, and kindness we all know to be substrates of Kevin’s make up prior to his fall, are on vivid display daily.

For those who don’t believe in miracles, Kevin can now move all his toes on each foot and independently, and just as of this writing, has some flexion in his feet. We all look forward to the day he stands to deliver the leading rider award at Silver Oak.

At the same time the financial demands of Kevin’s care, therapy and progress are steep and mandatory. The Show Jumping community has responded generously, but the requirement for fund raising continues to be of paramount importance.

Concurrently Kevin, Dianna and the Babington Foundation have done much to support education, safety, and news of spinal research. These programs more broadly relate to all riders in the sport, most critically the importance of “Air Vests”.

For that reason, this new website www.kevinbingtonfoundation.org, is launched as a portal through which Kevin’s progress, important articles about spinal injury breakthroughs and safety emphasis can regularly be found.
Of course, there is an important DONATE BUTTON which we hope individuals and organizations will act on in whatever capacity big or small. Keep in mind as a licensed 501c3 charity, all donations will receive the appropriate tax documents.

Below please find a summary of Kevin’s story.
Click here: https://youtu.be/fuwcQbXJBDo

Please take a moment to look at the new site and please share it within your network. Thank you.



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