The Horse Pairs Championship and Single/Pair Pony Championships were awarded to finish off the action Memorial Day Monday in the Dixon Oval. 

Horse Pairs Champion
Ursula and Mary Jane Porter
Photo by Olivia Airhart, Mane Source Media for Phelps Media Group

Ursula driven by Mary Jane Porter took home the Horse Pairs Championship after claiming the win in both the Horse Pairs Pleasure Turnout and the Scurry Driving – Pairs – No Competition Vehicles. Coupled with their second place finish in yesterday’s Horse Double Harness, Pairs – Tandems – Opportunity.

Single/Pairs Pony Champion
Rebecca Goldberg’s Miss Bee Haven and Kathryn Zinneman
Photo by Olivia Airhart, Mane Source Media for Phelps Media Group

Rounding out the day by taking home the win tonight in both the Single/Pair Pony – Pleasure Turnout, and the Single/Pair Pony – Scurry, it was Miss Bee Haven and Kathryn Zinneman, a Rebecca Goldberg entry, who took home the Single/Pair Pony Driving Championship and The Joseph M. Pierce Challenge Trophy. 


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