2022 Devon Horse Show Accepting Ads for Souvenir Program Through March 15

Devon, Pa. – Feb. 7, 2022 – Celebrating its 125th anniversary, the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair will take place May 26 to June 5, 2022 in Devon, Pennsylvania. As one of the oldest and most prestigious horse shows in the country since 1896, the show is known for bringing world class competition in a variety of disciplines to the Philadelphia Main Line. The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair official souvenir program is one of the many traditions of the historic event, serving as a piece of memorabilia from years past.

Spaces for advertisements in the 2022 Devon Horse Show and Country Fair souvenir program are now available and are due March 15. Brands and businesses wishing to promote their business to the diverse audience at the Devon Horse Show are encouraged to submit their materials as soon as possible due to limited space. Year after year the official program is a steadfast advertising opportunity that provides high-quality and long-range visibility to thousands of online and in-person exhibitors and spectators.

For more information regarding ad specifications and file requirements for the program, click here. One complimentary program will be available to advertisers upon request as proof of publication. Please be advised that submission of ad materials and full payment is due no later than Tuesday, March 15.

As the oldest and largest outdoor multi-breed competition in the United States, the internationally recognized show plays host to athletes and enthusiasts across the disciplines of hunter/jumper, equitation, show jumping, saddle seat, coaching, carriage driving, sidesaddle, breeding and much more, meaning that advertisers are exposed to a variety of individuals within different disciplines and communities in the horse industry. By advertising in the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair publications, companies and businesses, whether small or large, are able to reach an audience of consumers who share a passion for horses and are loyal to the products and services that go hand-in-hand with the equestrian lifestyle as well as Pennsylvania locals.

The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair offers an array of advertising opportunities in addition to the highly anticipated souvenir program that sells out year after year. Please contact Vicki McCue at vicki@devonhorseshow.org to learn more.


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