Adjusted Qualifying Criteria for 2020 Hamel Foundation / THIS NHS Equitation Championships

Lexington, KY – May 15, 2020 –  The National Horse Show announces important changes to the Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Equitation Championship and the Taylor Harris Insurance Services NHS Adult Equitation Championships qualification processes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes are in accordance with the guidelines produced by the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) and are subject to change based on the on-going nature of the pandemic and its effects on equestrian sporting events around the nation.

Effective June 1, 2020, a new qualifying point scale will be launched for the 2020 Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Equitation Championship due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in North America. Throughout the first 30 days of returning to competition (June 1 to June 30), the NHS will monitor the status of rider’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the qualifying criteria on July 1. The number of points that riders will need to qualify for the 2020 Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Equitation Championship will continue to be monitored throughout the rest of the qualifying period and may be further modified depending on the situation in each state as well as any other unforeseen circumstances.

View the New Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Equitation Championships Point Chart Here

Effective June 1, 2020, adult riders will only be required to earn a total of five (5) points to qualify for the 2020 Taylor Harris Insurance Services NHS Adult Equitation Championships. This may be further modified depending on the situation in each state as well as any other unforeseen circumstances. The National Horse Show reserves the right to invite additional riders based on their total number of points accrued to compete in the 2020 Taylor Harris Insurance Services NHS Adult Equitation Championships.

View the New Taylor Harris Insurance Services NHS Adult Equitation Championships Qualifying Information Here

The National Horse Show officers and staff are available to answer questions that may arise based on the updated rules and regulations. Please direct any questions to We look forward to seeing our competitors in the fall and being able to continue the tradition of these prestigious equitation championships.


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