Desert International Horse Park Welcomes Major League Show Jumping Tour Grand Finale

Thermal, Calif. – Nov. 22, 2021 – The management team at Desert International Horse Park (DIHP) is thrilled to welcome the Major League Show Jumping grand finale to its exciting lineup of events for 2021. In its inaugural year, the Major League Show Jumping (MLSJ) tour will bring two of its ten CSI5* events to Thermal, California, running concurrently with the Desert Holiday Series from December 1-5 and December 8-12, 2021. Each week of competition during Desert Holiday will feature its own $230,000 MLSJ Grand Prix CSI5* as well as $72,900 1.45m Grand Prix CSI2*.

Hosted at North America’s premier equestrian venues, the 2021 Major League Show Jumping tour will feature eight teams of six high performance show jumping athletes from across the globe, and will offer over $6 million dollars in prize money throughout the ten events. In addition to the two events hosted in Thermal, the Major League Show Jumping tour has stops at venues such as Thunderbird Show Park, the Otomí Equestrian Center, Club Hípico La Silla, Caledon Equestrian Park, Traverse City Horse Shows, and the Angelstone Tournaments Venue.

“The Major League Show Jumping tour is a thrilling addition to what will already be an incredible two weeks of five-star competition at the Desert International Horse Park,” said DIHP President and CEO Steve Hankin. “The event will draw both newcomers and long-time competitors and we are certain MLSJ competitors will fall in love with everything DIHP has to offer, encouraging many to extend their stay through the 2022 Desert Circuit this winter. We are grateful to be able to host this incredible event and world-class competitors at our venue.”

For the 2021/2022 season, DIHP has released an exciting season calendar showcasing 18 weeks of multi-discipline competition. The winter series will again include five weeks of FEI competition up to the CSI4* level, two weeks of World Championship Hunter Rider (WCHR) member events, and the second year of the $100,000 West Coast Hunter Spectacular.

The management team at Desert International Horse Park looks forward to kicking off an exciting season of competition. To learn more about the complete calendar of competitions that will be held at the Desert International Horse Park, click here.

Desert Holiday I
Dec. 1-5, 2021
USEF Premier AA Hunter Rating/USEF Jumper Level 6/FEI CSI5*/CSI2*

Desert Holiday II
Dec. 8-12, 2021
USEF Premier AA Hunter Rating/USEF Jumper Level 6/FEI CSI5*/CSI2*

See the Full Schedule
See the MLSJ Team Rankings


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