Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Virtual Art Show Kicks Off to Showcase New Artwork

Devon, Pa. – May 27, 2021 – The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair is pleased to announce that the 2021 Virtual Art Show kicks off today, Thursday May 27, and will run through June 3. The Art Gallery at Devon began in 1999 and is a juried art show that exhibits 500 pieces of art by regional and national artists during the eleven-day competition. Works in media range from oils to watercolor and acrylics to sculpture, focusing on a variety of subjects including pastoral, still, equestrian, and animal life. The Art Gallery has raised over $200,000 in sales for the benefit of Bryn Mawr Hospital.

Artwork by Genevieve Snyder

This year’s virtual, juried collection featuring 50 new and returning artists will be available to the general public for sale. The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair’s committee members carefully select 500 pieces to be displayed during the annual event, which will be entirely online during 2021.

Artwork by Kathleen Aceto

“My life as a professional artist is filled with the flow of the seasons, and I always look forward to the Devon Horse Show Gallery as the culmination of spring and the festive launch into summer,” explained artist and former “Best In Show” winner Sandra Severson. “There’s always the sure anticipation of a receptive audience, and the discerning collectors and show committee keep the quality high. There’s a feeling of harmony and warmth all around, and it’s always a pleasure to participate!”

Former poster artist and “Best In Show” winner Tara Porter added, “The Art Show at Devon is an event that I look forward to every year. Showing one’s art in such a dynamic, fun environment is very rewarding, the quality of the artwork draws people in and there truly is something for everyone. It has fast become a yearly tradition for me!”

To view the pieces available for purchase during the 2021 Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Virtual Art Show, please visit


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