Wellington, Fla. – Mar. 23, 2020 – Just as many equestrians and businesses around the world, EnviroEquine & PET has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation around the world as it affects industries everywhere. Due to its status as an essential business for the wellbeing and health of many horses, pets and people, EnviroEquine & PET will be making every effort to continue to provide the same products and service that customers have come to expect. For the time being, in-person deliveries will be reduced and some partner tack and feed shops may be operating under limited hours, so EnviroEquine & PET encourages all customers to utilize enviroequine.com for ordering whenever possible for the foreseeable future.
Because the team understands the hardship that many equestrians are under due to this global event, they are offering 10% off online orders with promo code STAYHEALTHY10 for the next two weeks, effective immediately. Should you have any questions about products or ordering, the customer care department is standing by to assist you.
EnviroEquine & PET is committed to supporting fellow equestrians and businesses during this trying time. As many individuals will be working from home or experienced a change in routines, EnviroEquine & PET will hope to fill some of that void by launching its online webinars and other educational options through digital channels. Interested parties should contact customercare@enviroequine.com to receive educational videos on topics such as building proper equine diets, equine respiratory health and equine eye sight.
The team at EnviroEquine & PET is grateful for its loyal customers and looks forward to serving the wellbeing of all during this uncertain time.
The EnviroEquine & PET range of products are the perfect balance of the highest quality ingredients and scientific research, perfectly packaged for you, your horse or pet. From eco-friendly bedding and stable solutions to finely-crafted tack and accessories, the team at EnviroEquine aims to offer the best products that promote health and wellness for not only your horses and pets, but yourself as well.
To learn more about EnviroEquine & PET, please visit www.enviroequine.com and receive 15% off your first online order with promo code PHELPS15