In these extraordinary times, some historic traditions in honor of noble causes must take a pause. It is with this in mind that the EQUUS Foundation announces that it has received notification from the Fairfield County Hunt Club that the 2020 June Benefit Horse Show has been cancelled along with the EQUUUS Foundation’s annual benefit luncheon that was to be held in conjunction with the Fairfield Grand Prix on Saturday, June 20. The horse show organizers made this decision in the public health interest of the participants, staff and community after numerous conversations with State of Connecticut and Town of Westport officials.
“While we totally understand and support the decision, our equine friends, who are also impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, need our protection more than ever,” said Lynn Coakley, EQUUS Foundation President.
So many EQUUS Foundation Guardian charities have had to halt their programs, close their doors to volunteers, and postpone or cancel critical fundraising events, leaving limited resources to devote to horse care.
You can help feed and care for the horses of EQUUS Foundation Guardian charities with a Virtual Class Sponsorship Donation.
Sponsor A Virtual Class | Donate here
Class sponsorship at the Fairfield County Hunt Club June Show dates back to the first show in 1924. Even though the classes will not be held this year, the EQUUS Foundation is offering donors the opportunity to sponsor classes to carry on this time-honored tradition. Donors will be recognized here.
“We are deeply grateful to be the long-standing charitable partner of the Fairfield June Show and look forward to 2021. We are already planning a celebratory event — hopefully in the not too-distant future — to thank donors for their continued support,” continued Coakley. ”
“We remain committed to not only increasing adoptions of at-risk horses and providing a safe haven for aged horses, but also increasing opportunities for all people to engage and partner with horses in new innovative ways. People of all ages are positively impacted by the joy of horses – this bond has the power to profoundly heal the human spirit.”