Join Nilforushan Equisport Events for the $20,000 Pro/Am Equitation Cup During the Temecula Valley National Horse Show

Temecula, Calif. – April, 1 2021 – Nilforushan Equisport Events (NEE) is thrilled to announce an exciting new addition to the lineup for Week One (May 19-23) of the 2021 Temecula Valley National Horse Show: the $20,000 Pro/Am Equitation Cup. Originally, this class was supposed to debut during the 2020 show season, however it had to be put on hold after the cancellation of the 2020 shows due to COVID-19. NEE is excited to present his unique equitation competition this season which features not only individual competition, but also a team aspect over a 3’3″ track, guaranteeing a great time for all involved!

In the $10,000 Team Competition, teams will consist of three riders which can include one professional and two junior/amateur riders or can be made entirely up of three junior/amateurs. The two-round competition will run similarly to a Nations Cup competition, with the first round held on Friday, May 21st. Round one will be an advanced hunter type equitation course featuring hunter and jumper style fences throughout the course. Judges will evaluate each rider on their riding style, technique and accuracy. Team competition will continue during round two on Saturday, May 22nd with an advanced jumper-style equitation class, but will follow the same judging protocol as round one while contesting an efficient and prompt track.

There will be no drop scores and the team with the highest total score at the end of the two rounds will be declared the winners! Ribbons will be awarded to the top five teams with prize money awarded to the top three teams as follows: first place – $6,000, second place – $3,000 and third place – $1,000.

In the $10,000 Individual Competition, the top 12 individual riders from the Team Competition will continue on to an immediate third round held on Saturday, May 22nd. Round three will also follow an advanced jumper-style equitation format with a time allowed measured at 350 meters/minute. Judging will place a premium on promptness and efficiency of track while maintaining riding style, technique and accuracy. A work-off, if necessary, is left to the judge’s discretion. Ribbons will be awarded to the top 12 riders with prize money awarded to the top five riders as follows: first place – $5,000, second place – $3,000, third place – $1,000, fourth place – $500 and fifth place – $500.

Prize money won by Juniors and Amateurs will be awarded to their trainer. Riders are responsible for creating their own teams and riders may only compete on one team and must use the same horse for each round.


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