Kentucky Horse Shows LLC and USEF Notice of Competition Cancellations Kentucky Summer Classic and USEF Pony Finals

Lexington, Ky. – August 1, 2020 – We have been notified today that two more individuals have tested positive for COVID-19, after attending the Kentucky Summer Classic, for a total of four reported cases. US Equestrian and Kentucky Horse Shows prioritize the safety of our members, participants, support teams, staff and their families. To mitigate the risk of spread of the virus, USEF and the competition organizer together have made the decision to cancel the Kentucky Summer Classic effective at the end of competition today and to cancel the USEF Pony Finals event scheduled to start Tuesday, August 4th. These cancellations will give the competition organizer time to sanitize the venue and determine whether competition can resume later this month.
With regard to the new reports, one individual worked in Barns 9 & 10 with one of the previously reported individuals. Both of these individuals have been off competition grounds since Friday, July 31. The other newly reported individual is a braider who worked in multiple barns and has been off the grounds since early this morning.

Per the requirements of the USEF COVID-19 Action Plan, we are notifying all individuals who were in attendance at the competition.  Although contact tracing is primarily the responsibility of public health agencies, in accordance with CDC guidelines we are asking these individuals for the names of others at the competition that they had close contact with starting from 48 hours before their symptoms appeared so that we can inform those persons directly that they may have been exposed to the virus.

If you believe you have been exposed to the virus, please follow the ten recommendations from the CDC, found here.
Information about testing for COVID-19 can be found here.
Testing sites in the Lexington area can be accessed here.
Please be reminded that if you test positive for COVID-19 within fourteen (14) days following a competition you attended, you must notify the competition organizer and USEF.
For additional information, please contact Hugh Kincannon at
Layover stabling will be available at the Kentucky Horse Park during the week of August 3 – 9 for those exhibitors whose plans have been disrupted by the cancellation of the final day of the Kentucky Summer Classic and the USEF Pony Finals. Contact Pat Duncan at 503-510-8797for information.

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