Temecula, Calif. – Mar. 10, 2020 – The Nilforushan Equisport Events (NEE) team is excited to announce that the eagerly-awaited prize list and entry forms for the Interactive Mortgage Developmental Series are now available online at www.jump-NEE.com. Taking place Apr. 9 – 11, 2020, at Galway Downs, the Developmental Series is designed to mirror the excitement and tradition of an “A” rated National horse show while staying priced at the rates of a local competition. Featuring hunter, jumper and equitation classes at all levels, plus an “It’s All Fun and Games” series, the show is the perfect opportunity for exhibitors seeking a more cost-effective option to gain experience in the ring, while also catering to local equestrians who are not chasing points or qualification standards. Join NEE for unique classes and awesome prizes at an affordable price! Please complete your entries as soon as possible for the discounted rate.
The unrated show will be held at the beautiful Galway Downs facility, the same that hosts the organization’s four-week Temecula Valley National Horse Show (TVNHS), to allow exhibitors to take advantage of a premier space and experience for a low flat fee. One flat rate will encompass stall and class fees in addition to breakfast and lunch each day, helping to alleviate the financial burden.
The wide range of classes, spanning from walk-trot pleasure to 1.40m jumpers, will provide an ideal opportunity for riders and their mounts to move up in divisions in a low-pressure atmosphere. The series will offer special classes such as leadline and an “It’s All Fun and Games” series which includes “Sit a Buck” and “Humpty Dumpty” classes. Riders 21 years and older will also have the chance to compete in the “Rosé All Day” class, in which exhibitors must ride a pattern with a glass of rosé in hand and the rider with the fullest glass at the end wins.
The inaugural year of the Interactive Mortgage Developmental Series is gearing up to be a fun and competitive event that NEE is proud to present. Thanks to support from Interactive Mortgage, the Developmental Series will be able to offer competitors a new way to ride and train their horses in a worthy atmosphere that does not break the bank. As an organization committed to inclusion and enhancement of the equestrian sport, NEE is dedicated to providing an event that is accessible to everyone.
Nilforushan Equisport Events is a horse-show management company owned and operated by husband-and-wife team Ali and Francie Nilforushan. Their mission is to produce world-class events that will make California a top show jumping destination, attract local residents to a number of entertainment experiences including world-class performances and film nights, as well as fine dining. Exhibitors can expect great sport, a first class VIP area and affordable showing options thanks to the inventive style of the Nilforushan management team.
For more information about the Developmental Series and Nilforushan Equisport Events, please visit www.jump-nee.com.