ShowNet and Phelps Media Make Sure You Don’t Miss a Second of the Action

Wellington, FL – June 6, 2019 – Phelps Media Group (PMG) is excited to announce a new partnership with ShowNet to provide exciting and relevant content to horse show enthusiasts in the form of the Weekly Wrap!

The Weekly Wrap, narrated by Catie Staszak, is a long standing part of the ShowNet services and recaps the marquee classes from the top shows across the U.S. PMG is thrilled to further engage audiences by featuring the Weekly Wrap on both the Phelps Sports and Phelps Media Group platforms.
“ShowNet’s mission is to provide the best show jumping and equestrian videos possible, delivered and maintained for you so our customers may access them on a global basis. When our co-founder Grant Williams conceptualized this idea several weeks ago, he immediately thought of Phelps Media Group because they are the international leader in equestrian sports media. It just made sense to forge this partnership,” said ShowNet co-founder and President, David Orlando.
“The Weekly Wrap is an excellent platform to solidify the already excellent working relationship between Phelps Media Group and ShowNet. We are hopeful that this additional service will not only better serve our clients but also help the equestrian community stay up to speed on what is happening in national equestrian sports”, Lenore Phillips, Vice President of Phelps Media Group stated.
You can find the Weekly Wrap at Phelps Media Group and Phelps Sports.

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Phelps Media Group

Founded in 2002 by Olympian Mason Phelps, Jr., PMG specializes in sports branding, public relations, event coverage, media strategy, web design and social media.

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