Temecula Valley National Horse Show Weeks I & III Nearly Full, Get Your Entries in ASAP

Temecula, Calif. – April 25, 2020 – West Coast Competitors take note! Weeks I and II of the Temecula Valley National Series presented by Nilforushan Equisport Events (NEE) are nearly sold out. Entries for Week II are already full!

Week I highlights include the inaugural $20,000 Pro/AM Equitation Cup, the third $5000 qualifier for the NEEd for Speed final held during Week III, $40,000 National Grand Prix, $5,000 Child/Adult 3′ Hunter Derby, $5,000 Child/Adult 2’6″ Hunter Derby with 2’9″ options, $2,000 Green Rider 2’3″ Hunter Derby and the $1,500 Short/Long Stirrup 2′ Hunter Derby.

For competitors planning to join us for Week III, held June 2-6, don’t forget about our Memorial Day activities such as the Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and Karen Healy clinics, as well as the $25,000 Memorial Day USHJA International Derby and BBQ held on Monday, May 31st! Additional feature classes throughout Week III include the various NAYC Young Rider Trials all week long, the $20,000 1.30m Classic Final- Zone 10 Pre-Junior Trial, $5,000 Child/Adult 3′ Hunter Derby, $5,000 Child/Adult 2’6″ Hunter Derby with 2’9″ options, $2,000 Green Rider 2’3″ Hunter Derby and the $1,500 Short/Long Stirrup 2′ Hunter Derby.



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